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Trains specified model definition(s) on a dataset. This function will estimate the a set of model definitions (passed via ...) to each series within .data (as identified by the key structure). The result will be a mable (a model table), which neatly stores the estimated models in a tabular structure. Rows of the data identify different series within the data, and each model column contains all models from that model definition. Each cell in the mable identifies a single model.


# S3 method for class 'vital'
model(.data, ..., .safely = TRUE)



A vital object including an age variable.


Definitions for the models to be used. All models must share the same response variable.


If a model encounters an error, rather than aborting the process a NULL model will be returned instead. This allows for an error to occur when computing many models, without losing the results of the successful models.


A mable containing the fitted models.


It is possible to estimate models in parallel using the future package. By specifying a future::plan() before estimating the models, they will be computed according to that plan.


Progress on model estimation can be obtained by wrapping the code with progressr::with_progress(). Further customisation on how progress is reported can be controlled using the progressr package.


Rob J Hyndman and Mitchell O'Hara-Wild


aus_mortality |>
  dplyr::filter(State == "Victoria", Sex == "female") |>
    naive = FNAIVE(Mortality),
    mean = FMEAN(Mortality)
#> # A mable: 1 x 5
#> # Key:     Sex, State, Code [1]
#>   Sex    State    Code     naive    mean
#>   <chr>  <chr>    <chr>  <model> <model>
#> 1 female Victoria VIC   <FNAIVE> <FMEAN>