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Use a fitted model to simulate future data with similar behaviour to the response.


# S3 method for class 'mdl_vtl_df'
generate(x, new_data = NULL, h = NULL, bootstrap = FALSE, times = 1, ...)



A mable.


Future data needed for generation (should include the time index and exogenous regressors)


The simulation horizon (can be used instead of new_data for regular time series with no exogenous regressors).


If TRUE, then forecast distributions are computed using simulation with resampled errors.


The number of replications.


Additional arguments


A vital object with simulated values.


Innovations are sampled by the model's assumed error distribution. If bootstrap is TRUE, innovations will be sampled from the model's residuals.


Rob J Hyndman and Mitchell O'Hara-Wild


aus_mortality |>
  dplyr::filter(State == "Victoria") |>
  model(lc = LC(Mortality)) |>
  generate(times = 3, bootstrap = TRUE)
#> Warning: 3 errors (1 unique) encountered for lc
#> [3] Lee-Carter models require a log transformation of the response variable.
#> # A vital: 1,818 x 8 [1Y]
#> # Key:     Age x (Sex, State, Code, .model, .rep) [101 x 9]
#>     Year   Age Sex    State    Code  .model .rep   .sim
#>    <dbl> <int> <chr>  <chr>    <chr> <chr>  <chr> <dbl>
#>  1  2021     0 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  2  2021     1 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  3  2021     2 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  4  2021     3 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  5  2021     4 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  6  2021     5 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  7  2021     6 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  8  2021     7 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#>  9  2021     8 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#> 10  2021     9 female Victoria VIC   lc     1        NA
#> # ℹ 1,808 more rows