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Lee-Carter model of mortality or fertility rates. LC() returns a Lee-Carter model applied to the formula's response variable as a function of age. This produces a standard Lee-Carter model by default, although many other options are available. Missing rates are set to the geometric mean rate for the relevant age.


  adjust = c("dt", "dxt", "e0", "none"),
  jump_choice = c("fit", "actual"),
  scale = FALSE,



Model specification. It should include the log of the variable to be modelled. See the examples.


method to use for adjustment of coefficients \(k_t\). Possibilities are "dt" (Lee-Carter method, the default), "dxt" (BMS method), "e0" (Lee-Miller method based on life expectancy) and "none".


Method used for computation of jump-off point for forecasts. Possibilities: "actual" (use actual rates from final year) and "fit" (use fitted rates). The original Lee-Carter method used "fit" (the default), but Lee and Miller (2001) and most other authors prefer "actual".


If TRUE, bx and kt are rescaled so that kt has drift parameter = 1.


Not used.


A model specification.


Basellini, U, Camarda, C G, and Booth, H (2022) Thirty years on: A review of the Lee-Carter method for forecasting mortality. International Journal of Forecasting, 39(3), 1033-1049.

Booth, H., Maindonald, J., and Smith, L. (2002) Applying Lee-Carter under conditions of variable mortality decline. Population Studies, 56, 325-336.

Lee, R D, and Carter, L R (1992) Modeling and forecasting US mortality. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 87, 659-671.

Lee R D, and Miller T (2001). Evaluating the performance of the Lee-Carter method for forecasting mortality. Demography, 38(4), 537–549.

See also


Rob J Hyndman


lc <- aus_mortality |>
  dplyr::filter(State == "Victoria", Sex == "female") |>
  model(lee_carter = LC(log(Mortality)))
#> Series: Mortality 
#> Model: LC 
#> Transformation: log(Mortality) 
#> Options:
#>   Adjust method: dt
#>   Jump choice: fit
#> Age functions
#> # A tibble: 101 × 3
#>     Age    ax     bx
#>   <int> <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1     0 -4.15 0.0157
#> 2     1 -6.40 0.0218
#> 3     2 -7.01 0.0195
#> 4     3 -7.32 0.0180
#> 5     4 -7.36 0.0159
#> # ℹ 96 more rows
#> Time coefficients
#> # A tsibble: 120 x 2 [1Y]
#>    Year    kt
#>   <int> <dbl>
#> 1  1901 111. 
#> 2  1902 111. 
#> 3  1903 109. 
#> 4  1904 100. 
#> 5  1905  98.8
#> # ℹ 115 more rows
#> Time series model: RW w/ drift 
#> Variance explained: 72.99%