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A vital object is a type of tsibble that contains vital statistics such as births, deaths, and population counts, and mortality and fertility rates. It is a tsibble with a special class that allows for special methods to be used. The object has an attribute that stores variables names needed for some functions, including age, sex, births, deaths and population.


  key = NULL,
  .age = NULL,
  .sex = NULL,
  .deaths = NULL,
  .births = NULL,
  .population = NULL,
  regular = TRUE,
  .drop = TRUE



A set of name-value pairs


Variable(s) that uniquely determine time indices. NULL for empty key, and c() for multiple variables. It works with tidy selector (e.g. tidyselect::starts_with())


A variable to specify the time index variable.


Character string with name of age variable


Character string with name of sex variable


Character string with name of deaths variable


Character string with name of births variable


Character string with name of population variable


Regular time interval (TRUE) or irregular (FALSE). The interval is determined by the greatest common divisor of index column, if TRUE.


If TRUE, empty key groups are dropped.


A tsibble with class vital.


Rob J Hyndman


# create a vital with only age as a key
  year = rep(2010:2015, 100),
  age = rep(0:99, each = 6),
  mx = runif(600, 0, 1),
  index = year,
  key = age,
  .age = "age"
#> # A vital: 600 x 3 [1Y]
#> # Key:     age [100 x 1]
#>     year   age    mx
#>    <int> <int> <dbl>
#>  1  2010     0 0.926
#>  2  2011     0 0.503
#>  3  2012     0 0.936
#>  4  2013     0 0.439
#>  5  2014     0 0.350
#>  6  2015     0 0.477
#>  7  2010     1 0.966
#>  8  2011     1 0.297
#>  9  2012     1 0.291
#> 10  2013     1 0.860
#> # ℹ 590 more rows