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Make a new vital from means and differences of a measured variable by a key variable. The most common use case of this function is for computing migration numbers by sex, from the sex differences and mean of the numbers.


undo_sd(.data, .var, key = Sex, times = 2000)



A vital object


A bare variable name of the measured variable to use.


A bare variable name specifying the key variable to use. This key variable must include the value geometric_mean.


When the variable is a distribution, the product must be computed by simulation. This argument specifies the number of simulations to use.


A vital object


Hyndman, R.J., Booth, H., & Yasmeen, F. (2013). Coherent mortality forecasting: the product-ratio method with functional time series models. Demography, 50(1), 261-283.


# Make sums and differences
mig <- net_migration(norway_mortality, norway_births) |>
  dplyr::filter(Sex != "Total")
sd <- mig |>
# Undo products and ratios
sd |> undo_sd(NetMigration)
#> # A vital: 26,644 x 6 [1Y]
#> # Key:     Age x Sex [111 x 2]
#>     Year   Age Sex    Population Deaths NetMigration
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>  <dbl>        <dbl>
#>  1  1900    -1 Female      32150 1745.        248.  
#>  2  1900     0 Female      30070 1035.        -86.2 
#>  3  1900     1 Female      28960  594.        222.  
#>  4  1900     2 Female      28043  281.         57.3 
#>  5  1900     3 Female      27019  190.         26.8 
#>  6  1900     4 Female      26854  155.          3.50
#>  7  1900     5 Female      25569  122.          5.37
#>  8  1900     6 Female      25534  102.          4.64
#>  9  1900     7 Female      24314   91.7        -5.27
#> 10  1900     8 Female      24979   92.9       -11.1 
#> # ℹ 26,634 more rows