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read_hmd_files reads single-year and single-age data from files downloaded from the Human Mortality Database (HMD and constructs a vital object suitable for use in other functions. This function uses HMDHFDplus::readHMD() to parse the files.





Vector of file names containing data downloaded from the HMD. The file names are used to determine what they contain. If the file names are as per the HMD, then the function will automatically determine the contents. If it is unclear what a file contains, the columns will be named according to the filename. If the data contains a mixture of age-specific and non-age-specific variables, then the non-age-specific data will be repeated for each age. If you have HMD files for many countries, all with the same names, then you should put them in separate folders to avoid confusion, and to save changing all the filenames.


read_hmd_files returns a vital object combining the downloaded data.


Rob J Hyndman


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Files downloaded from the [Human Mortality Database](
mortality <- read_hmd_files(
  c("Deaths_1x1.txt", "Exposures_1x1.txt", "Population.txt", "Mx_1x1.txt")
births <- read_hmd_files("Births.txt")
} # }