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norway_births is an annual vital object covering the years 1900-2022, as provided by the Human Mortality Database on 21 April 2024.

norway_fertality is an annual vital covering the years 1967-2022, as provided by the Human Fertility Database on 21 April 2024.

norway_mortality is an annual vital covering the years 1900-2022, as provided by the Human Mortality Database on 21 April 2024.


Time series of class vital


Human Mortality Database

Human Fertility Database


# Births
#> # A vital: 369 x 3 [1Y]
#> # Key:     Sex [3]
#>     Year Sex    Births
#>    <int> <chr>   <int>
#>  1  1900 Female  32150
#>  2  1900 Male    34079
#>  3  1900 Total   66229
#>  4  1901 Female  32671
#>  5  1901 Male    34632
#>  6  1901 Total   67303
#>  7  1902 Female  32279
#>  8  1902 Male    34215
#>  9  1902 Total   66494
#> 10  1903 Female  31782
#> # ℹ 359 more rows
norway_births |>

# Deaths
#> # A vital: 40,959 x 6 [1Y]
#> # Key:     Age x Sex [111 x 3]
#>     Year   Age OpenInterval Sex    Population Mortality
#>    <int> <int> <lgl>        <chr>       <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1  1900     0 FALSE        Female      30070   0.0778 
#>  2  1900     1 FALSE        Female      28960   0.0290 
#>  3  1900     2 FALSE        Female      28043   0.0123 
#>  4  1900     3 FALSE        Female      27019   0.00786
#>  5  1900     4 FALSE        Female      26854   0.00624
#>  6  1900     5 FALSE        Female      25569   0.00538
#>  7  1900     6 FALSE        Female      25534   0.00422
#>  8  1900     7 FALSE        Female      24314   0.00376
#>  9  1900     8 FALSE        Female      24979   0.00380
#> 10  1900     9 FALSE        Female      24428   0.00365
#> # ℹ 40,949 more rows
norway_mortality |>
  dplyr::filter(Age < 85, Year < 1950, Sex != "Total") |>
  autoplot(Mortality) +

# Fertility
#> # A tsibble: 2,464 x 4 [1Y]
#> # Key:       Age [44]
#>     Year   Age Fertility OpenInterval
#>    <int> <int>     <dbl> <lgl>       
#>  1  1967    12   0.00003 TRUE        
#>  2  1967    13   0       FALSE       
#>  3  1967    14   0.0001  FALSE       
#>  4  1967    15   0.00094 FALSE       
#>  5  1967    16   0.00753 FALSE       
#>  6  1967    17   0.0258  FALSE       
#>  7  1967    18   0.0644  FALSE       
#>  8  1967    19   0.102   FALSE       
#>  9  1967    20   0.142   FALSE       
#> 10  1967    21   0.166   FALSE       
#> # ℹ 2,454 more rows
norway_fertility |>