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aus_fertility is an annual vital object covering the years 1921-2002 with three values:

Fertility:Fertility rate per woman
Exposure:Population of women at 30 June each year
Births:Number of births


Time series of class vital


Australian Human Mortality Database.


The data is disaggregated using one key:

Age:Age of mother at time of birth

The extreme age groups (15 and 49) also include a few younger and older mothers respectively.


#> # A vital: 3,010 x 5 [1Y]
#> # Key:     Age [35 x 1]
#>     Year   Age Fertility Exposure Births
#>    <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1  1921    15   0.00175    49228   86.1
#>  2  1921    16   0.00685    47779  327. 
#>  3  1921    17   0.0183     45894  839. 
#>  4  1921    18   0.0399     45683 1824. 
#>  5  1921    19   0.0676     43364 2931. 
#>  6  1921    20   0.0914     47016 4297. 
#>  7  1921    21   0.120      48023 5787. 
#>  8  1921    22   0.142      46368 6566. 
#>  9  1921    23   0.16       45123 7220. 
#> 10  1921    24   0.167      46709 7782. 
#> # ℹ 3,000 more rows
aus_fertility |>
  autoplot(Fertility) +
  ylab("Fertility rate")