Version 3.4
CRAN release: 2021-01-18
- Bug fixes and documentation updates
- Added labels to hdrscatterplot (thanks to Fan Cheng)
Version 3.3
CRAN release: 2018-12-21
- More options for hdr.boxplot (thanks to Simon Carrignon)
- More flexible hdr.den plots (thanks to Simon Carrignon)
- Fixed colours in hdrscatterplot
Version 3.2
CRAN release: 2018-01-29
- Updated hdr.den() to demonstrate the calculation of hdr more clearly (thanks to Dennis Freuer for the suggestion)
- Added hdrscatterplot() function
- Roxygenized the package
- Added pkgdown site
Version 3.0
CRAN release: 2013-08-28
- Reduced dependency on KernSmooth and changed ::: calls to ::
- New functions hdr.2d() and plot.hdr2d() to return and plot bivariate HDR information.
- Rewritten hdr.boxplot.2d() function.
Version 2.16
CRAN release: 2012-03-30
- Replaced .Internal() calls with new .filled.contour() function.
Version 2.15
CRAN release: 2010-11-11
- Added option to control limits of density estimate in hdr.boxplot.2d()
Version 2.12
CRAN release: 2009-10-13
* Modified hdr(), hdr.boxplot() and hdr.den() to allow a Box-Cox transformation to be used when computing the density. This allows the density estimate to be non-zero only on the positive real line.
Version 2.11
CRAN release: 2009-09-18
- Added hdrbw() from Matt Wand to compute better bandwidths for hdr(), hdr.den() and hdr.boxplot().
- Fixed a few bugs in the help files.
Version 2.10
CRAN release: 2009-08-19
- Bug fix in hdr.boxplot.2d(). The show.points option was not working.