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The product and ratio models from coherentfdm are forecast, and the results combined to give forecasts for each group in the original data.


# S3 method for class 'fdmpr'
forecast(object, h = 50, level = 80, K = 100, drange = c(0, 0.5), ...)



Output from coherentfdm.


Forecast horizon.


Confidence level for prediction intervals.


Maximum number of years to use in forecasting coefficients for ratio components.


Range of fractional differencing parameter for the ratio coefficients.


Other arguments as for forecast.fdm.


Object of class fmforecast2 containing a list of objects each of class fmforecast. The forecasts for each group in the original data are given first. Then the forecasts from the product model, and finally a list of forecasts from each of the ratio models.


Rob J Hyndman


fr.short <- extract.years(, 1950:2006) <- coherentfdm(fr.short)
fr.fcast <- forecast(

plot(fr.fcast$ratio$male, plot.type = "component", components = 3)

#> ************* PRODUCT MODEL *************
#> -- Coefficient 1 --
#> Series: xx[, i] 
#> ARIMA(1,1,0) with drift 
#> Coefficients:
#>           ar1    drift
#>       -0.4250  -0.2098
#> s.e.   0.1206   0.0228
#> sigma^2 = 0.06039:  log likelihood = 0.05
#> AIC=5.89   AICc=6.36   BIC=11.97
#> -- Coefficient 2 --
#> Series: xx[, i] 
#> ARIMA(0,1,0) 
#> sigma^2 = 0.01882:  log likelihood = 31.78
#> AIC=-61.56   AICc=-61.48   BIC=-59.53
#> -- Coefficient 3 --
#> Series: xx[, i] 
#> ARIMA(1,0,0) with zero mean 
#> Coefficients:
#>          ar1
#>       0.9518
#> s.e.  0.0449
#> sigma^2 = 0.02409:  log likelihood = 24.63
#> AIC=-45.27   AICc=-45.04   BIC=-41.18
#> -- Coefficient 4 --
#> Series: xx[, i] 
#> ARIMA(0,0,0) with zero mean 
#> sigma^2 = 0.03996:  log likelihood = 10.89
#> AIC=-19.78   AICc=-19.71   BIC=-17.74
#> -- Coefficient 5 --
#> Series: xx[, i] 
#> ARIMA(1,0,2) with zero mean 
#> Coefficients:
#>          ar1      ma1     ma2
#>       0.8425  -0.6319  0.3379
#> s.e.  0.1173   0.1584  0.1432
#> sigma^2 = 0.01901:  log likelihood = 33.08
#> AIC=-58.15   AICc=-57.38   BIC=-49.98
#> -- Coefficient 6 --
#> Series: xx[, i] 
#> ARIMA(2,0,2) with zero mean 
#> Coefficients:
#>          ar1      ar2      ma1     ma2
#>       1.8493  -0.9078  -1.3057  0.4781
#> s.e.  0.0705   0.0663   0.1613  0.1487
#> sigma^2 = 0.005993:  log likelihood = 66.08
#> AIC=-122.16   AICc=-120.99   BIC=-111.95
#> ************* RATIO MODELS *************
#> *********** FEMALE ***********
#> -- Coefficient 1 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>          d     ma.ma1     ma.ma2 
#>  0.4090936 -1.1513350 -0.5306586 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.1303427 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 2 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>             d        ma.ma1        ma.ma2 
#>  4.583013e-05 -1.622329e-01  5.425798e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.1459614 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 3 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>            d       ar.ar1       ma.ma1 
#> 4.583013e-05 9.798979e-01 4.156993e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.06410902 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 4 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>          d     ar.ar1     ar.ar2     ma.ma1     ma.ma2 
#>  0.3913578  1.6048157 -0.7526423  1.6155005 -0.9998107 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.06159422 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 5 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> Coefficients:
#>            d       ar.ar1 
#> 4.583013e-05 7.006761e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.06151039 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 6 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>            d       ar.ar1       ma.ma1 
#> 4.583013e-05 8.123545e-01 3.577327e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.05375933 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> *********** MALE ***********
#> -- Coefficient 1 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>          d     ma.ma1     ma.ma2 
#>  0.4236553 -1.1435894 -0.5225683 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.1209133 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 2 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>             d        ma.ma1        ma.ma2 
#>  4.583013e-05 -1.622329e-01  5.425798e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.1425088 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 3 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>            d       ar.ar1       ma.ma1 
#> 4.583013e-05 9.798979e-01 4.156993e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.06414137 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 4 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> Coefficients:
#>          d     ar.ar1     ar.ar2     ma.ma1     ma.ma2 
#>  0.3797002  1.6131684 -0.7587267  1.6171315 -0.9999822 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.06278872 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 5 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> Coefficients:
#>            d       ar.ar1 
#> 4.583013e-05 7.006761e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.06202872 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"         
#> -- Coefficient 6 --
#> Call:
#>   arfima(y = xx[, i], drange = ..2, estim = "mle") 
#> *** Warning during (fdcov) fit: unable to compute correlation matrix; maybe change 'h'
#> Coefficients:
#>            d       ar.ar1       ma.ma1 
#> 4.583013e-05 8.123545e-01 3.577327e-01 
#> sigma[eps] = 0.05376532 
#> a list with components:
#>  [1] "log.likelihood"  "n"               "msg"             "d"              
#>  [5] "ar"              "ma"              "covariance.dpq"  "fnormMin"       
#>  [9] "sigma"           "stderror.dpq"    "correlation.dpq" "h"              
#> [13] "d.tol"           "M"               "hessian.dpq"     "length.w"       
#> [17] "residuals"       "fitted"          "call"            "x"              
#> [21] "series"