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aus_outbound contains monthly data with one measured variable:

Count:Number of individuals departing Australia


Time series of class `tsibble`


Tourism Research Australia


Each series is uniquely identified using two keys:

Purpose:Purpose of travel

covering the period from Jan 2005–Jun 2017.


#> # A tsibble: 11,700 x 4 [1M]
#> # Key:       Country, Purpose [78]
#>       Month Country                               Purpose  Count
#>       <mth> <chr>                                 <chr>    <dbl>
#>  1 2005 Jan China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  5748
#>  2 2005 Feb China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  4483
#>  3 2005 Mar China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  7052
#>  4 2005 Apr China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  9836
#>  5 2005 May China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  6050
#>  6 2005 Jun China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  7112
#>  7 2005 Jul China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  6556
#>  8 2005 Aug China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  8347
#>  9 2005 Sep China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  7974
#> 10 2005 Oct China (excl SARs and Taiwan province) Business  8680
#> # ℹ 11,690 more rows